Sunday, May 31, 2009

Grace v. Effort | Grace & Effort

There has been for a very long time the discussion of grace and effort. Some traditions lament deeply the power of surrender and only grace's capacity to carry you towards the experience of freedom. Others strongly argue that it is only effort that can carry you towards grace and ultimate liberation. Still others recommend a combination of the two.

I, naturally, look at it differently.

The idea of grace supposes that there is actually an experience we are meant to have. It supposes that this universe and you were meant to experience something very specific. As if all of this exists for you to wake-up, find truth and experience fulfillment. I know some narcissists and two-year-olds that feel this way, but this is not reality.

The perception that the universe exists for truth, awakening, and evolution is just a perception.

The experience of grace, of mysterious support and freedom, of deep love and awareness are damn nice. They are, however, just one side of the coin (a very complex coin).

In truth (meaning: in my experience), grace and effort are one. Every experience you have is the experiencing you're having. Your life is the experience you have. Grace is experience itself. Effort is grace functioning through you as life and volition.

Isn't life as it is just enough?

Kris Nelson | Krama Consulting & Development, Inc. |

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